Coping with the winter months

Coping with the winter months

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I live for December 21st.  Not because it is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.  It’s because it is the winter solstice.  What this means is from here until June 21st we will get a minute more of daylight in the morning and a minute more each night.  The next day, we’ll get 2 minutes more in the morning and 2 additional minutes in the evening… so on and so forth.  Prior to moving to Colorado, I never really gave the winter much thought.  Now I do because colorful Colorado not only brings the stunning mountains with snow covered trees, but also some pretty cold and dark days.  The darkness is a challenge for many people not to mention we are still in a global pandemic.  How is one to not only survive during this season but actually thrive? I have found these tips to be really helpful.

Start & End Your Day with a Ritual

Start and end your day with a ritual. This can be writing a few minutes in your journal to lighting a candle to listing three things you are truly grateful for to stretching your body with intention.  Doing these simple things can really ground you as you move through the winter season.

Find Something that Awes You Everyday

Another thing I learned (from someone much wiser than me) is go find something that awes you each and every day. For me it’s going outside and being awed by nature.  If I can’t see the mountains, I’m just as content watching birds come up to my feeder right after a snow storm.   What is that one thing for you?  Engaging in a hobby you love so much that you don’t realize time has passed?  Looking into a child’s eyes or staring at a photo of a loved one?  Perhaps it is being still and realizing what your remarkable body does for you each and every day.  Preferably, go find something that helps you to realize you are not alone and that we are all connected.

Set Aside a Weekly Special Time

Set aside a time for worship. This doesn’t always mean going to a church or place of worship.  For many it is setting side time to be with yourself or going outside to watch the sunrise or sunset.  Riding a bike or sitting outside and absorbing the sunshine.  Whatever it may be consider it a sacred time and place for you to look forward to week after week.   Before you know it, spring will arrive!

9137 East Mineral Circle Suite 240
Centennial, CO 80112
(720) 383-0869

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