A Letter to Baby from Intended Parents

A Letter to Baby from Intended Parents

This is not what we expected at all.  When we first got together, we started dreaming about you and our family.  We knew when we were ready, we were going to grow our little family by welcoming YOU into the world.  Together, we envisioned how much joy you would bring to us, our families and friends.  We couldn’t wait.

As life would have it, we needed fertility help.  Not our first choice, believe me.  However, we rallied together, scraped up our hard earned money and decided to go for it.  We lovingly chose this remarkable woman who offered to nurture and love you throughout the pregnancy.  Our fertility doctor, nurses, embryologists, mental health professional, attorney and surrogacy agency also helped us to arrive at your much anticipated birth.

Then, again, as life would have it, COVID19 entered the picture. Knowing we may not be able to witness your birth breaks our hearts.  This is not fair.  We’ve already experienced pain along this fertility journey.  Why?  Why us?

But then we had to make a decision.  We could choose despair or we could celebrate your birth even from afar.  Are we scared?  Of course.  Do we know what’s coming?  Of course not.  But we have to look back at the world and the first “test tube” baby.  The world held it’s breathe to see if this miracle could actually happen.  And it did.  Here we go again.  Holding our collective breathe to see what will happen.

But in the back of our minds, we know this to be true.  Babies are born under the best and worst circumstances.  They come on their own sweet time despite our very thorough birth plan.  We also know babies, by their very nature, whole heartedly trust someone will take care of all of their needs.  We honestly thought it would be us.  Feeding you for the first time.  Taking photos in the hospital and showing you to our families and friends.  Although we can’t be there to take care of you, we’re going to follow your lead.  We will trust.  We will trust in human kind to take care of you until we can hold you in our arms.   We will also trust this is not the end of our story but the very beginning.  A family story of not only heartache, hardship, tenacity and courage but also a story of the human spirit.  How we all came together to bring YOU into the world.

9137 East Mineral Circle Suite 240
Centennial, CO 80112

(720) 383-0869

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