

Coping with the winter months

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I live for December 21st.  Not because it is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.  It’s because it is the winter solstice.  What this means is from here until June 21st we will get a minute more of daylight in the morning and a minute more each night.  The next...[ read more ]

Humankind. Be both.

One of my favorite restaurants in my home town of Austin, Texas is El Arroyo.  In addition to serving some great Tex-Mex dishes, they are known for this funny little billboard which often includes expressions and jokes which we can all relate to.  This week’s sign read “Human Kind.  Be Both”.  What a great statement, especially now. Human.  Lately, many...[ read more ]

We Can Do Hard Things

One of my favorite eras is World War 2.  I love reading historical fiction and non-fiction books about the war.  I have been fascinated with this time period because although I knew the outcome of the war, the people at the time didn’t.  They had no idea that a dictator was on the rise.  That a set of people would...[ read more ]

Coping with Fear & Uncertainty

If you are having feelings of uncertainty right now, you’re not alone.  A few months ago, I would have written a post on how to cope with the uncertainties of infertility or a pregnancy loss or moving to an assisted living residency.  Ha!  While these things are stressful and emotionally taxing, many of us are now in the re-opening phase...[ read more ]

Themes of Life & Death

Over the years, I have often been asked how is it you see clients for infertility and you see older adults?  While it may seem like these specialty areas are unrelated, in my mind they are not.   On one end of the spectrum are clients of mine yearning to have a baby but are having difficulties conceiving or needing assistance. ...[ read more ]

A Letter to Baby from Intended Parents

This is not what we expected at all.  When we first got together, we started dreaming about you and our family.  We knew when we were ready, we were going to grow our little family by welcoming YOU into the world.  Together, we envisioned how much joy you would bring to us, our families and friends.  We couldn’t wait. As...[ read more ]

Coping with Fertility Challenges

I’m here to say, you’re not going crazy.  You are not being a drama queen.  You are not overreacting.  Going through infertility is physically and emotionally challenging.  Well documented research has shown going through infertility FEELS like a life crisis.  The emotions can be as deep as someone going through cancer treatments or a divorce or grieving the loss of...[ read more ]

9137 East Mineral Circle Suite 240
Centennial, CO 80112
(720) 383-0869

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